My Favorite Audiobooks I Read This Year

The King Of Confidence (Non-fiction)

This is an exciting non-fiction book that reads like a novel. It chronicles the lesser known story of Joseph Strang, a con-man that rose to power in the Mormon Church after Joseph Smith was murdered in the mid-1800s.

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Project Hail Mary (Fiction)

A #MedTwitter favorite by Andy Weir, recommended by at least Freddy Escorcia and Mark Shapiro. This sci-fi novel follows a science teacher as he tries to save the world! It’s narrated by Ray Porter, an Audible sci-fi great.

Buy via Amazon.

The Disordered Cosmos (Non-fiction)

This book has been recommended by a few, but I saw it in a tweet from Shekinah Elmore. This is the memoir of Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein, one of the few Black female tenured physicists in the world. She discusses the history of physics while weaving in her own experiences to share a rich account of how, for better or worse, the scientific work is done. I think this is an essential read for every scientist and laypeople who like to follow scientific discoveries.

Buy via Amazon.

A Black And Endless Sky (Fiction)

My partner and I read horror books together, and this was our 2022 Halloween pick. I liked it more than Misery, really. The book follows Jonah and Nelle Talbot on a roadtrip plagued by natural and supernatural problems. If you like Stephen King, give Matthew Lyons a try! Fair warning: the book is very gory.

Buy it via Amazon.

Soul Of An Octopus (Non-fiction)

This book is about octopuses, but it’s also a narrative of Sy Montgomery learning about octopuses. This touching book will teach you about these fascinating animals but will also make you think about intelligence and consciousness in new ways. This was recommended to me by Sam Day over 4 years ago. Don’t wait as long as I did to read it!

Buy it via Amazon.


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